William IX Duke of Aquitaine

There’s been interest in what drew me into alternative rock and the short answer is I blame it on my family … family from 1071!

⏳ William IX Duke of Aquitaine from 1071 was the first medieval musical Troubador in world history [picture of him above] and he was my great great great great [yawn it just goes on and on] relative … let’s just agree it was a long time ago!

🎹 Fast forward to a more recent time and my Grandfather Pritchard played concerts to raise money to build the church he attended. ⛪

More recently my oldest brother Gordon [in the below photo] played a Gibson Les Paul in his rock band in the 70s. I would sit beside his guitar stack soaking up the sound as a young boy. I’m still amazed my hearing wasn’t destroyed by him! 🎸

Blame it on my brother Gordon


I grew up loving the edgy alternative sound – overdriven guitars with high energy vocals asking questions about who we are and where we’re headed … it’s who I am.

🎶I’ve played music all my life too – never could stop it.

But I didn’t always appreciate being another musician in a long loooooooooong family history of musicians.

Now I find it to be something quite profound.

I’ve realised we’re all part of a greater journey with threads of talent running through our family lines – what are yours?